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iBeacon Technology

As a follow up from last week’s class, here is a short write up on why iBeacon technology could succeed and why it could potentially fail.

iBeacons is an Apple brand name for the micro-location technology in that is transmitted using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). BLE allows linked devices to transmit signals to each other without using too much of the device’s battery life, which makes it more appealing than less energy-efficient GPS and wi-fi alternatives. BLE signals can be transmitted via compatible devices but also via third-party hardware, commonly known as beacons. With respect to digital marketing, this means that content (offers, product alerts etc) can be pushed straight to mobile devices, providing they have the brand’s app installed (and bluetooth switched on).

Sounds like a pretty good plan but why would it fail? My thoughts as follows:

1. Spamming

With som much potential, retailers could deploy beacons nearly in every part of their retail store. This means that customer is going to get a notification on his/her phone everything he/she enters a new zone. In a time where we are moving towards customer experience, this could potentially ruin the experience instead on enhancing the shopping experience.

2. Need for app and Bluetooth

Firstly, in order for beacons to interact with customers, they need to have their bluetooth on their smartphones switched on. Let’s just say we manage to get the customer to do this. That’s just half the battle won. If we want a user’s device to do something interesting when this beacon is detected, like pop up a coupon for a store, or unlock a video, we need an app. Beacons only send signals and in order to have some action, the customer must have the specific app or a generic app like Shopkick installed on their phone.

Now for why iBeacon has potential to be successful:

1. Positioning System

Beacons are not just meant for marketing. They are essentially indoor positioning systems which can help the user navigate a large store such as a hypermarket. One such use case will be when a customer has selected some supplies to pick up at the store. Using the iBeacon technology, the app can help navigate this customer through the store so as to be out of the store in the shortest possible time. This can help drastically improve customer experiences in huge stores.

2. Bluetooth

As discussed before, intrusive marketing might not be very useful. However, iBeacon requires the use of bluetooth which means the customer must make a conscious decision to switch on bluetooth which in other words mean he/she is willing to receive offers. This could potentially be more successful than other location based marketing as there might be no need for a customer’s action before receiving offers and notifications.

Lastly, here are some examples of how iBeacon is being used:

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Posted by on April 11, 2015 in Uncategorized


End of Course

The enterprise computing modules comes to ends. I have gained much knowledge about SAP and ERP throughout the course. Learning the technical skills is a expected outcome. However, I believe that I have gained more than the knowledge on SAP.

Firstly, I have learn to translate business requirements into technological lingo and mapping business processes within an IT system. As a Business IT graduate to be, this is a vital skill to have. Furthermore, I have also learnt how to present the capabilities of a technological solution (software) to meet the concerns and requirements of an organisation.

Secondly, I have learnt to “teach”. Teaching could possibly the best form of learning. It requires you to understand the content throughly and then deliver only the important points without affecting the audience’s understanding. It also requires you to understand how things are connected to each other and one another. This has made me a much better learner, one with the big picture view.

SAP might change in the versions to come. Functionalities and features may be added or dropped. Thus, my competency in SAP may reduce. However, I believe I have picked up the skills that will allow me to build my competency in the future easily for SAP and beyond.

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Posted by on April 18, 2014 in Uncategorized


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Benefits of blogging my learning journey.

There are many obvious benefits of journaling my learning journey ranging from better knowledge retention to being able to show my future employer. However, I was surprised by a recent happening.

Someone had liked my post on Procure to Pay. Upon closer inspection, I found out that he was a purchasing and supply professional and blogs about related topics. Although the blog is not filled with posts, there are some interesting reads about purchasing and supply. The blog can be found at:

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Posted by on March 2, 2014 in Uncategorized




About SAP

Having talked about SAP previously, how much do we know about SAP? What does SAP do? Who are SAP’s customers? Here is a short video to answer these questions.

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Posted by on March 1, 2014 in Uncategorized

